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417 results in multiple government agencies

Working together to support families: Sally Moffatt discusses collaborative relationships from an early childhood education perspective

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 17-21. The Intervening Early Programme (IEP) is an early childhood education support programme for families with young children who are…

Small is good: Sue Hanna and Peter Topzand explore co-working relationships between professionals as a form of collaboration and pro-social modelling in child protection practice

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 13-16. Collaboration is a word frequently applied to describe the functioning of teams, and interdisciplinary work between teams and between…

Assisting risk assessment work: Tony Stanley discusses the Risk Estimation System in practice with social workers

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 8-12.Risk assessment and its management are pivotal components of child protection social work today (Appleton & Craig, 2006). In a…

Literacy-related Barriers to Employment

Three pieces of work relating to literacy and literacy support amoung and directed at jobseekers. It includes: "Adult Literacy interventions 2001/2002 to 2003/2004: Monitoring report";  "Literacy in Taranaki (LIT)…

From Wannabes to Youth Offenders: Youth Gangs in Counties Manukau - Research Report

This research is part of a cross-sectoral, multi-faceted response to a call for significant government intervention in Counties Manukau after increased reports about escalating youth gang…

Choices for living, caring and working: A ten-year plan to improve the caring and employment choices available to parents and carers

This document has two objectives: to explain the government’s vision for enhancing choices for parents and carers; and to outline the Choices Plan of Action to…

Understanding the patterns and relationships: Wendy Kelly examines children’s attachment needs

Social Work Now, Issue 34, pages 11-16 Attachment theory suggests that young children organise their behaviour around the way their caregiver treats them and that the…

Surveying social workers: Don Smith and Pete Ellis discuss the Towards Wellbeing suicide prevention programme from social workers’ perspective

Social Work Now, Issue 34, pages 4-10.The Towards Wellbeing (TWB) programme began with the publication of the best practice guidelines Towards Wellbeing: Responding to the needs…

Moving towards meeting all needs: Lisa Hema reviews developments in youth justice

Social Work Now, Issue 34, pages 17-20.The Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 (CYP&F Act) was born out of a social environment which included…

Review of World Class New Zealanders

Purpose 1. In accordance with EDC Min (03) 7/3, the Ministry of Economic Development has conducted an evaluation of the World Class New Zealanders programme (WCNZ).…