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417 results in multiple government agencies

Getting it right: An evaluation of New Zealand community treatment programmes for adolescents who sexually offend: Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi

This evaluation was commissioned by the Department of Child, Youth and Family (CYF) in 2003. The primary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of community-based treatment…

Household Incomes in New Zealand: Trends in Indicators of Inequality and Hardship 1982 to 2004

This report provides information on the material wellbeing of New Zealanders as indicated by their household incomes over the period 1982 to 2004.It brings together in…

The Pockets of Significant Hardship and Poverty Report

The report describes the range of strategies and supports, either planned or underway, to address: problem debt help ensure timely access to physical and mental health…

Social Work Now! Issue 36: The Family Group Conference

This issue of Social Work Now is a special issue for the Child Youth and Family conference "Coming Home - Te Hokinga Mai". Family group conferencing is at…

Parental Leave And Carers Leave: International Provision And Research

The purpose of this report is to review available international research and information on international provisions of parental leave and carers’ leave arrangements, as well as…

The Scale and Nature of Family Violence in New Zealand: A Review and Evaluation of Knowledge

Family violence is a major issue that affects the lives of many New Zealanders and creates significant social and economic costs across the wider society. While…

Media Analysis of Family Violence Reporting: July-September 2007

This July-September 2007 Quarterly Media Analysis is the first in a series of four reports for the Campaign for Action on Family Violence. The Ministry of Social…

Reducing Family Violence: Social marketing campaign formative research

Thirty-seven in-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with male perpetrators of intimate partner violence to inform development of the family violence social marketing strategy (FVSMS). The FVSMS…

‘I’m not an orphan’: Melinda Marjoram and Christa Fouche examine children’s perspectives on experiences in a residential care setting

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 22-27.Internationally there has been a decline in the use of residential care as a placement option for children in need…

Awareness and emotions: Nicki Weld applies emotional intelligence theory to social work and supervision

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 4-7. A fundamental area of social work and supervision is emotions and the way we work with our own and…