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417 results in multiple government agencies

The Social Report 2008

The Social Report uses a set of statistical indicators to monitor trends across 10 "domains”, or areas of people’s lives. Together these domains provide a picture…

Media Analysis of Family Violence Reporting: January-March 2008

This January-March 2008 Quarterly Media Analysis is the final in a series of four reports for the Campaign for Action on Family Violence. The Ministry of…

The New Zealand Non-profit Sector in Comparative Perspective

Aotearoa New Zealand has a strong non-profit sector, with rich historical traditions, and it is evolving and growing in importance in Aotearoa New Zealand society. At…

The History of the Non-Profit Sector in New Zealand

The history of the non-profit sector in Aotearoa New Zealand is informed by the local and the global; by the interplay of factors distinctive to this…

Benefit Receipt of Migrants to New Zealand

These reports detail findings from the annual information match between Ministry of Social Development (MSD) benefit and Department of Labour (the Department) immigration data. The purpose…

Housing Markets and Migration: Evidence from New Zealand

New Zealand’s large and volatile external migration flows generate significant year-to-year fluctuations in the demand for residential housing. This paper uses population data from the 1986,…

The role of secure attachment as a protective factor for vulnerable infants

Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 11-20. Children begin their lives entirely dependent on adults for survival. Bowlby (1969) believed that attachment behaviour was biological in…

Strengthening our engagement with families and understanding practice depth

Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 21-28. Statutory child protection work is often viewed as the sharp end of social work practice, located in a turbulent…

Working with vulnerable infants

Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 5-10. Infants are one of the most vulnerable groups of children referred to statutory child welfare systems, a fact research…

Post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder traits in the child welfare population

Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 29-35. This article focuses on two conditions – post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traits of borderline personality disorder (BPD)…