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417 results in multiple government agencies

Youth Participation Case Studies DVD

The Youth Participation Videos DVD profiles youth participation projects from around New Zealand that have been supported by the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD). The Ministry…

The New Zealand Non-profit Sector and Government Policy

This review of the policy relationship between government and the non-profit sector is the final piece of work for the New Zealand contribution to the Johns…

The Labour Market Adjustment of Immigrants in New Zealand

This paper uses data from the 1997–2007 New Zealand Income Survey to examine the economic performance of immigrants in New Zealand. Specifically, we use a synthetic…

Why should child welfare and schools focus on minimising placement change as part of permanency planning for children?

Social Work Now, Issue 41, pages 19-27. For every child, education is critical to successful transition to adulthood. The need of foster children for a stable…

Kin care – Understanding the dynamics

Social Work Now, Issue 41, pages 4-11. In Aotearoa New Zealand many children, both Māori and Pākehā, have been taken in by whānau and extended family…

Connecting Diverse Communities - Report on 2007/2008 Public Engagement

This report summarises the findings of the ‘Connecting Diverse Communities’ public engagement process. This process involved fifteen meetings held throughout New Zealand between August and November…

Diverse Communities - Exploring the Migrant and Refugee Experience in New Zealand

The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) Diverse Communities - Exploring the Migrant and Refugee Experience in New Zealand report brings together existing data and research findings…

SPEaR Good Practice Guidelines 2008

The Social Policy Evaluation and Research Committee (SPEaR) was established by Government in 2001. The SPEaR Terms of Reference included a specific function to promote the…

The 2002 Domestic Purposes and Widow’s Benefit Reform: Evaluation Report

The 2002 Domestic Purposes and Widow’s Benefit reform reshaped the support available to help people receiving these benefits move towards employment and changed the employment-related obligations…

Practicing place: everyday contexts in child and family welfare

Social Work Now, Issue 39, pages 29-37. Place, and its corollary, displacement, lie at the centre of child welfare practice. Child neglect, the issue that more…