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417 results in multiple government agencies

Turning 65

To Work or not to work? Findings from a survey of 65 year old New Zealanders Many people reconsider workforce participation about the age of 65…

Safer Journeys consultation for the Ministry of Transport (2009)

The Ministry of Transport (MoT) is developing a road safety strategy, Safer Journeys, for 2010-2020.  To inform this safety strategy, MoT got together with the Ministry…

In-house Literacy, Language and Numeracy (LLN) Initiatives in New Zealand Workplaces

This summary report is based on a more extensive research report written by Dr Catherine Kell (with Kim Hastwell and Shona Guy) in 2008 and 2009.…

The Social Report 2009

The Social Report has four key aims: to report on social indicators that complement existing economic and environmental indicators to compare New Zealand with other countries…

Defence Review; Youth Consultation

This report contributes to the Defence Review 2009, by presenting the views of young people on New Zealand defence issues. As part of the public consultation…

In a Place I Call My Own: Support Networks of Older People Ageing in the Community

This report is based on interviews with older people who face significant challenges living in a place they all their own. It tells the stories of…

A profile of temporary workers and their employment outcomes

This paper describes the characteristics, jobs, employment patterns and employment outcomes of temporary workers, using data collected in Statistics New Zealand’s Survey of Working Life 2008.…

Buy Kiwi Made Campaign: Evaluation Report

Evaluation aims to assess the strengths and weaknesses of programmes and policies to improve their effectiveness. Many government evaluations take the form of impact evaluation as…

Digital futures: planning for digital television and new uses

Over August-September 2009, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH) and the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) [now Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment] invited submissions…

The Campaign for Action on Family Violence. Effective social marketing: complex issues and innovative practice

Family violence is a significant social problem in New Zealand causing poor economic, social and health outcomes for victims and witnesses of violence. The economic cost…