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417 results in multiple government agencies

Working for Families Evaluation

The Working for Families Evaluation has been jointly conducted by the Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue Department. It aimed to assess: The implementation and…

Sole parenting in New Zealand

The Ministry of Social Development led a cross-agency and cross-sector research programme that looked at changes in the rate of sole parenthood, sole parent employment and…

What Works in Social Marketing to Young People? (2010)

A systematic review of current evidence of youth-specific social marketing interventions that imporved outcomes for young people. This review describes successful social marketing campaigns that have…

Working for Families reports

The following reports are from the Working for Families project.

Immigration Selection and the Returns to Human Capital in NZ and Australia

Choosing whether to live in New Zealand or in Australia is a decision that both international migrants and the citizens of both countries often need to…

Employer-funded education and training: who receives it?

This paper analyses the level and distribution of employer-funded education and training that employees receive, using data collected by Statistics New Zealand in the first quarter…

Working together to support families of vulnerable children

Social Work Now, Issue 45, pages 20-25. There is a rich history of professionals intervening early and working collaboratively to assist families who are struggling to…

Learning from Tragedy: Homicide within Families in New Zealand 2002-2006

This report provides the first complete picture of homicide within families in New Zealand.

Campaign for Action on Family Violence: Impact of the ‘It’s not ok’ television advertisements

The Ministry of Social Development undertook three surveys between December 2007 and September 2008 to measure the reach and retention of the Campaign for Action on…

Campaign for Action on Family Violence

Family violence is a significant social problem in New Zealand causing economic, social and health problems for victims and witnesses of violence. It is estimated to…