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417 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluation of the Short-term Outcomes of the 2010 Changes to the Employment Relations Act and Holidays Act

In 2011 legislative amendments were introduced to the Employment Relations Act 2000 and the Holidays Act 2003. These amendments were designed to improve the operation of…

Making disability rights real: Second Report of the Independent Monitoring Mechanism of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This second report of the Disability Convention Independent Monitoring Mechanism (IMM) details some of the experiences disabled people in New Zealand encounter each day. It highlights…

Growing Up In New Zealand: At 9 Months Old

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study that provides an up-to-date, population-relevant picture of what it is like to be a child growing up…

Delivering Social Services Every Day

Social services are working more and more collaboratively to deliver services to New Zealanders. This occurs throughout the sector, from frontline NGOs delivering services on behalf…

He Kai Kei Aku Ringa – Goal 3: Financial Literacy and Savings

Goal 3: Financial Literacy and Savings, He Kai Kei Aku Ringa, provides a snapshot of financial literacy services for Māori. The report aims to enable financial…

The information needs of international students in New Zealand tertiary institutions

Attracting and retaining international students is one of the New Zealand Government’s key priorities. The Settlement, Protection and Attraction Branch of Immigration New Zealand, Ministry of…

Household Incomes in New Zealand: trends in indicators of inequality and hardship 1982 to 2013

The Household Incomes Report provides information on the material wellbeing of New Zealanders as indicated by their household incomes from all sources from 1982 to 2013.The…

Temporary Migrants as Vulnerable Workers: A Literature Review

Although New Zealand has long depended on immigrant settlers to supplement the national supply of labour, there has been a substantial increase recently in the number…

Residence regulatory inspection summary reports

Every year, internal auditors report on the care provided at Child, Youth and Family residences. The reports detail where we’re achieving a high standard, and more…

What does bullying look like in Wellington?

New research explores the issue of bullying in the Wellington suburbs of Newtown, Berhampore, Kilbirnie and Strathmore. Skylight Trust talked with 65 kids and 6 adults to find…