
1133 results in multiple government agencies

2013 Benefit System Performance Report

This is the first internal actuarial report produced in relation to the forward liabilities of the welfare system.  The purpose of the report is for the…

Youth Service Evaluation – June 2014

Youth Service is a new approach to working with vulnerable young people where MSD contracts a service provider to work actively and intensively with a young…

Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways

The Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways project is, to date, the largest and only Pacific-specific longitudinal study designed to explore and address information gaps on the formative…

Whānau Ora Achievements Report

In July 2014 the then Minister of Whānau Ora, Minister Turia presented this Whānau Ora Achievements Report in the House. The report summarises the achievements of Whānau…

TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey 2013

This report outlines the results of the TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey for 2013.  This survey was conducted in order to determine whether the current products…

Growing Up In New Zealand: At 9 Months Old

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study that provides an up-to-date, population-relevant picture of what it is like to be a child growing up…