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697 results in multiple government agencies

Patterns of Antidepressant Drug Prescribing and Intentional Self-harm Outcomes in New Zealand: An ecological study

This Bulletin presents the findings of an observational pharmacoepidemiological study that has been undertaken by PHI to investigate whether a relationship can be observed between antidepressant…

Review of the Evidence for Major Population-Level Tobacco Control Interventions

This review aimed to identify the most recent scientific evidence for the effectiveness of major population-level tobacco control interventions and to consider the findings and their…

Analysis of Submissions: Proposal to Classify BZP and Related Substances as Class C Controlled Drugs

In November 2006 the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (EACD) recommended to Hon Jim Anderton, Associate Minister of Health, that Benzylpiperazine (BZP) and all known analogues…

Whānau Ora Health Impact Assessment 2007

The Whānau Ora Health Impact Assessment tool is a formal approach used to predict the potential health effects of a policy on Māori and their whānau.…

The National Childhood Immunisation Coverage Survey 2005

The National Childhood Immunisation Survey 2005 involved interviewing the caregivers of 1563 children aged two to three years old throughout the country from January to March…

Census of Forensic Mental Health Services 2005

Forensic mental health services were first established in New Zealand as a response to the issues raised in the Mason Report, which presented the findings of…

Antenatal Down Syndrome Screening in New Zealand 2007

Antenatal Down Syndrome Screening in New Zealand 2007 is the result of work carried out by the Antenatal Down Syndrome Screening Advisory Group. The Advisory Group…

An Idea Whose Time Has Come: New opportunities for Health Impact Assessment in New Zealand public policy and planning

The good health and wellbeing of the population is largely a product of the settings in which people live, work and play. This means that improving…

Rural Health: A Literature Review for the National Health Committee

This review discusses the concept of 'rurality' and outlines what is known about rural health services need, supply, and access. It discusses options for better data…

National Drug Policy 2007–2012

The National Drug Policy 2007–2012 sets out the Government’s policy for tobacco, alcohol, illegal and other drugs within a single framework. It does this by establishing…