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697 results in multiple government agencies

Suicide Facts: 2005–2006 data

This report, part of a series of monitoring reports released annually, presents and summarises the latest suicide and intentional self-harm hospitalisation data available.

A research study of Young Carers: The development of a recording tool for agencies to identify young carers

This report by Michael Gaffney of the Children’s Issues Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, in association with Carers New Zealand was commissioned and funded by the…

Like Minds, Like Mine National Plan 2007-2013

Like Minds, Like Mine is a programme to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness.The programme, which began in 1997, is led by the…

The Impacts of Gambling (including PG) on Māori Communities - Implementation 2004-2007

The aim of this project was to carry out a formative investigation of the impacts of gambling (including problem gambling) on Māori communities/whānau/hapū/iwi. It is well…

Report on Exercise Cruickshank

Exercise Cruickshank was a whole-of-government influenza pandemic exercise led by the Ministry of Health. The exercise was held over 5 days in May 2007.Exercise Cruickshank was…

An Indication of New Zealanders’ Health 2007

An Indication of New Zealanders’ Health 2007 is the latest report in a series monitoring the health of the New Zealand population produced by Public Health…

National Health Emergency Plan: Planning for Individual and Community Recovery in an Emergency Event

This high-level principles document outlines the importance of psychosocial recovery when planning how to respond to and recover from an emergency event.It is aimed primarily at…

Review of the National Alcohol Strategy 2000-2003

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in New Zealand, and is one of the leading causes of drug-related harm. The Government’s response to addressing alcohol-related harm…

The Evaluation of the Eleven Primary Health Care Nursing Innovation Projects

Eleven nursing innovations supporting the development of new models of primary care nursing practice and fostering nurse leadership were funded by the Ministry of Health from…

Health Targets: Moving towards healthier futures, 2007/08

Health Targets should be seen within the context of the broader health priority that they are part of. They are indicative of progress in a wider…