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697 results in multiple government agencies

Health Expenditure Trends in New Zealand 1996-2006

Health Expenditure Trends in New Zealand 1996-2006 provides a basis for identifying and measuring trends and changes in the patterns of health and disability expenditure in…

Working Together for Better Primary Health Care

This report presents the Workforce Taskforce's findings and recommendations for overcoming barriers to workforce change and innovation in primary health care.The Taskforce identified the following five…

Environmental Influences on Obesity & Children's Nutrition in Aotearoa New Zealand

Keeping Up to Date’ aims to increase awareness of the reasons to use evidence in practice, to stimulate debate about evidence, and to encourage the health…

Problem Gambling Intervention Services in New Zealand

This report presents and summarises the data collected by problem gambling service providers in 2007. It provides an overview of clients who have sought help via…

Review of Research on the Effects of Imprisonment on the Health of Inmates and their Families

A growing and changing prison population has renewed interest in the effects of incarceration on the health of prisoners in many countries.Prisoners comprise a number of…

Te Puāwaiwhero: The Second Māori Mental Health and Addiction National Strategic Framework 2008-2015

Te Puāwaiwhero: The Second Māori Mental Health and Addiction National Strategic Framework 2008-2015 reinforces current mental health and Māori health policy. This includes the overall aim…

The Epidemiology of Meningococcal Disease in New Zealand in 2007

The 2007 meningococcal disease annual report provides detailed information on the incidence and distribution of meningococcal disease, the basis for diagnosis, clinical features and outcome and…

Report of the Air Ambulance Reference Group to the ACC and Health Ministers

The Air Ambulance Reference Group (AARG) project was established to provide expert advice to the Minister for ACC and the Minister of Health on a framework…

A Review of the Elective Services Orthopaedic Major Joint and Ophthalmology Cataract Initiatives

In 2008 the Ministry of Health commissioned Synergia Limited to review the Elective Services Orthopaedic Major Joint and Ophthalmology Cataract Initiatives. The findings are included in…

National Depression Initiative Tracking Survey 3

This survey is the second to access the impact of the "John Kirwan" National Depression Initiative (NDI) Campaign. A total of 1,006 interviews were completed nationally…