675 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 2 Jun 2011
The publication shows cancer registration and death information mapped by DHB region of patient residence.The maps show the DHB regions that have significantly higher and lower…
This report describes the microbiological and chemical quality of water in New Zealand drinking-water supplies from July 2009 to June 2010.The report comprises the following five…
This paper was prepared in 2010 as a report of a review of those HIAs (including the WOHIAs) funded as part of the Learning by Doing…
In 2010, the Ministry of Health consulted on high-level proposals for a natural health products bill. The Summary of Submissions outlines public feedback on these proposals.
This booklet looks at a new policy direction for health, introduced two years ago, which creates an environment where health professionals in the community are actively…
Last Publication Date: 30 May 2011
In 2008, the Ministry of Health commissioned Health Outcomes International to evaluate three community cancer support pilots. The pilot projects aimed at reducing inequalities in cancer…
This report highlights the range of creative and responsive district nursing service delivery models. The report goes deeper into four case studies demonstrating how district nurses…
Last Publication Date: 2 May 2011
To assist the Ministry in the development of this programme the New Zealand Guidelines Group (NZGG) has been asked to undertake a systematic review in two…
This report identifies 65 separate district nursing services offering a wide range of home, clinic, and community based health care services usually seven days a week.…
Last Publication Date: 1 May 2011
This is a paper the provides supplementary evidence and recommendations to do with the pharmacological interventions: melatonin, aripiprazole and citalopram.The paper should be read as part…