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687 results in multiple government agencies

Antenatal Down Syndrome Screening in New Zealand 2007

Antenatal Down Syndrome Screening in New Zealand 2007 is the result of work carried out by the Antenatal Down Syndrome Screening Advisory Group. The Advisory Group…

An Idea Whose Time Has Come: New opportunities for Health Impact Assessment in New Zealand public policy and planning

The good health and wellbeing of the population is largely a product of the settings in which people live, work and play. This means that improving…

Rural Health: A Literature Review for the National Health Committee

This review discusses the concept of 'rurality' and outlines what is known about rural health services need, supply, and access. It discusses options for better data…

National Drug Policy 2007–2012

The National Drug Policy 2007–2012 sets out the Government’s policy for tobacco, alcohol, illegal and other drugs within a single framework. It does this by establishing…

Urban-Rural Health Comparisons: Key results of the 2002/03 New Zealand Health Survey

This report, Urban-Rural Health Comparisons: Key results of the 2002/03 New Zealand Health Survey, compares the health status of New Zealand adults living in urban and…

Developing a Strategic Plan for Cancer Control Research in New Zealand

Research has a critical role to play across the full spectrum of cancer control - from primary prevention through to palliative care. Recognising and promoting relevant…

After the Smoke has Cleared: Evaluation of the Impact of a New Smokefree Law

This report details an evaluation of the process and outcomes of the sections of the 2003 Smoke-free Environments Amendment Act relating to the extension of smokefree…

Evaluation Of Initial Roll Out Of Meningococcal B Immunisation Programme

As part of the evaluation of the Meningococcal Immunisation Programme, an evaluation of the initial roll-out was undertaken.

Review of the Implementation of Care Plus

An independent evaluation of the implementation of the Care Plus programme has been undertaken by CBG Research Ltd. Care Plus is a primary health care programme…

Ngā Kāwai: Implementing Whakatātaka 2002 - 2005

He Korowai Oranga and Whakatātaka have established a firm foundation for the health and disability sector to work towards improving Māori health outcomes, supporting whānau ora…