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687 results in multiple government agencies

Independence in daily activities in advanced age: Findings from LiLACS NZ

Independence in daily activities in advanced age: Findings from LiLACS NZ presents findings about the activities that people can perform independently or without assistance, for Māori (aged…

Relationships and emotional support: Findings from LiLACS NZ

Relationships and emotional support in advanced age: Findings from LiLACS NZ presents key findings about the relationships people have with their family and friends and whether they…

Te Ohonga Ake: The Health of Māori Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand

Te Ohonga Ake: The Health of Māori Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand is part of a series of annual…

Evaluation of Local Area Coordination

This report follows on from a 2012 evaluation of local area coordination in New Zealand. The primary aim is to help key stakeholders involved in the…

Evaluation of the Implementation of Choice in Community Living: Phase One 2013

This report is a summary of findings from the first 12 months of the Choice in Community Living (CiCL) demonstration project. The evaluation has aimed to…

Evaluation of the Maternity Quality and Safety Programme

Local maternity quality and safety programmes have been operating in each DHB since 2012 and have raised the profile of maternity quality and safety by establishing…

Gambling and problem gambling: results of the 2011/12 New Zealand health survey

This study relates to an in-depth quantitative analysis of gambling and problem gambling data from the 2011/12 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS).  The 2011/12 New Zealand…

He Māramatanga Huangō: Asthma health literacy for Māori children in New Zealand

This report examines health literacy demands on both whānau and health services around asthma management for Māori children. It makes a number of recommendations to address…

Independent Life Expectancy in New Zealand 2013

Health expectancy is a summary measure of population health that combines both non-fatal and fatal health outcomes into a single metric. Health expectancy indicators have the…

Cannabis Use 2012/13: New Zealand Health Survey

The 2012/13 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) provides valuable information about cannabis use by adults aged 15 years and over. It builds upon and adds value…