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687 results in multiple government agencies

The Environmental Case Management of Lead-exposed Persons

Lead absorption from other than occupational sources is a condition which is notifiable to the Medical Officer of Health under the Health Act 1956. The levels…

Consultation on Paying Family Carers to Provide Disability Support: Summary Report

Between 19 September and 6 November 2012, the Ministry of Health consulted with the public on proposed options for a new policy on payment to family…

The Alcohol Purchasing Patterns of Heavy Drinkers

In 2011 the Ministry of Health commissioned research to investigate the alcohol purchasing patterns of heavy drinkers. The research informed consideration of a minimum pricing regime…

Healthy Beginnings: Developing perinatal and infant mental health services in New Zealand

Healthy Beginnings provides guidance for district health boards, other health planners and funders and providers of perinatal and infant mental health and alcohol and other drug…

Impact of Marketing, Advertising and Sponsorship on Gambling behaviour - Implementation 2007-2010

The Ministry expects this piece of research to explore the following questions; What effect does marketing (including advertising, sponsorship or promotion) of gambling have on public…

Reporting Suicide: A resource for the media

The resource is designed for quick access by busy journalists. It describes issues relating to suicide reporting, suggests areas that journalists should think carefully about, and…

Youth Forensic Services Development

Youth forensic services are specialist mental health and alcohol and other drug (AOD) services for young people with mental health disorders, AOD problems and/or intellectual disabilities…

Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2008 – 2012: Second Progress Report

The 'New Zealand Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2008-2012: Second Progress Report’ (the ‘second progress report’) outlines further progress made in implementing the New Zealand Suicide Prevention…

Hospital Events 2007/08

This statistical publication contains analyses and commentary on publicly funded and privately funded hospital events in New Zealand, as reported to the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS).The…

Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Medicines in New Zealand

Consultation on the Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Medicines in New Zealand: Consultation Document took place during March and April 2006. The consultation document reviewed the policy…