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687 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluation of the Bowel Screening Pilot - 2013 Immersion Visit

An evaluation of the Waitemata District Health Board Bowel Screening Pilot is being undertaken to help inform a decision on whether it is feasible to roll…

Well Child / Tamariki Ora Programme Practitioner Handbook 2013: Revised 2014

The Well Child / Tamariki Ora programme is a package of health services offered to all New Zealand families and whānau for children from birth to…

Probity Report: Retrospective Probity Review of the RFP process for Regional & National Services to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm

This is the final report of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ retrospective review of the RFP process for Regional and National Services to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm.The report covers…

Aged Residential Care Nurse Entry to Practice (ARC NETP) Programme Evaluation Report

This is the executive summary of a report by Sapere Research Group. It presents the results of a comprehensive evaluation of an Aged Residential Care (ARC) Nurse…

Mental Health and Addiction Credential in Primary Care Evaluation Report

This report is an evaluation of a demonstration coordinated by Health Workforce New Zealand. The credential aims to recognise and boost the skills and knowledge of…

Ischaemic Heart Disease: A Pathway to Prioritisation

This report provides a high-level overview of cardiovascular conditions in terms of prevalence and incidence, health outcomes and health utilisation and cost. Its purpose is to…

Taeao o Tautai: Pacific Public Health Workforce Development Implementation Plan 2012–2017

This publication supports the implementation of the national public health workforce strategy Te Uru Kahikatea 2007-2016. Based on a range of research and sector consultations, Taeao…

Managed Care Education

This report examines the availability, suitability and potential of courses and qualifications to build skills in case management and care coordination. It is a review for…

Annual Report on Drinking-water Quality 2012–2013

This report describes the microbiological and chemical quality of water in New Zealand drinking-water supplies serving populations of more than 100 people, and progress towards meeting…

Implementation and Formative Evaluation of the Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme

This report provides an evidence-based overview of the implementation and delivery of the Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme (RFPP) during its first 18 months, (July 2011 to…