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687 results in multiple government agencies

An examination of the outcome of the resettlement of residents from the Kimberley Centre

The Donald Beasley Institute report examines the impact of the closure on residents, families and staff three years ago of the Kimberley Centre. The institution began…

Green Prescription Active Families Survey Report: June 2014

This report presents the findings of the sixth survey in an on-going monitor of participants in the Green Prescriptions Active Families (Active Families) programme. As in…

Investigation into the Effect of Gambling Game Characteristics, PIDS and Pop-up Technology on Gambling and Problem Gambling Behaviour - Implementation 2007-2010

This research was carried out to understand the impacts of PIDs and pop-up messages, and to explore the effects of EGM game characteristics and casino table…

Mental Health Services Productivity Improvement: Best Practice Review

This report was commissioned to focus on improving the productivity of adult community mental health services by identifying successful strategies for achieving productivity, including overseas and…

Country Progress Report New Zealand (HIV/AIDS) 2012–13

New Zealand regularly reports to UNAIDS on HIV/AIDS. This report covers the period January 2012 to December 2013.

New Zealand Spinal Cord Impairment Action Plan 2014–2019

The Action Plan outlines a vision, purpose, priorities and eight overarching objectives to help ensure the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for people with spinal…

Summary of Submissions to the Ministerial Forum on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship

The Ministerial Forum on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship sought submissions  from affected stakeholders, experts on advertising, sponsorship, alcohol and health, and the public. It was looking…

An Evaluation of the Reorientation of Child and Adolescent Oral Health Services

Over the last eight years the Government has made a significant reinvestment in child and adolescent oral health services to create the Community Oral Health Service…

Health Literacy and the Prevention and Management of Skin Infections

Health literacy refers to the degree to which people are able to access and understand essential health information in order to make informed and appropriate health…

Increasing Violence Intervention Programme (VIP) Programmes’ Responsiveness to Māori: A whānau-centred approach for the VIP programme

The VIP programme supports DHBs to develop policies, health professional training and clinical leadership to improve the identification assessment and referral of people experiencing family violence.…