
733 results in multiple government agencies

Low speed runover mortality report

In its Fifth Report to the Minister of Health (2009), the Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee (CYMRC) noted that systems to review non-traffic deaths are…

Māori Smoking and Tobacco Use 2011

The Māori Smoking and Tobacco Use 2011 profile presents information related to the tobacco use of Māori compared with non-Māori, using findings from the Tobacco Use…

National Cardiac Surgery Update

This publication looks at the work of the National Cardiac Surgery Clinical Network, and their work with the National Health Board (NHB)and District Health Boards (DHBs)…

Management of Early Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers registered, and the second most common cause of death from cancer in New Zealand. This evidence-based guideline, Management…

The Development of a Natural Health Products Bill

In 2010, the Ministry of Health consulted on high-level proposals for a natural health products bill. The Summary of Submissions outlines public feedback on these proposals.