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Tertiary Education Commission | Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua

Website: Tertiary Education Commission


Engineering e2e: An evaluation report

Engineering e2e (education-to-employment) is a programme designed to increase the number of engineers in New Zealand. It was established in 2014 by the Tertiary Education Commission…

What are they doing? The field of study of domestic students/learners 2008-2016

This report analyses the field of study of domestic students/learners in the New Zealand tertiary education system between 2008 and 2016.

Educational Performance Indicators: Definitions and Methodology

This document describes the methodology for calculating educational performance indicators (EPIs) for Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics, Private Training Establishments, Universities and Wānanga. It replaces the…

MPTT Evaluation Findings

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)  model. The evaluation focusses on the operation and outcomes of the…

Workplace Literacy Fund: Employer-led Outcomes Report 2013-2015

This report examines the extent to which Workplace LN funding contributed to outcomes for individuals and their workplaces, based on analysis of quantitative and qualitative data supplied…

Maximising the benefits of the Workplace Literacy Fund

This research reports on where programmes funded through the Workplace Literacy programme were being delivered in 2014 and provides information about good practice in workplace literacy…

Study of the progression of young people enrolled in Youth Guarantee

This summer study of young people in Youth Guarantee fees-free courses in 2014 examines the barriers to progressing on to higher levels of study, training or…

The Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool's contribution to educational outcomes in New Zealand

This report describes how tertiary education organisations (TEOs) and industry training organisations (ITOs) are using results from the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool (Assessment…

Research about Pasifika learners

The two research studies below explore how to increase Pasifika participation in high-growth and high-demand industries, and professional development needs to improve Pasifika learner outcomes. These…

Boosting outcomes for young learners in tertiary education: 2015 research findings

Four research reports are summarised here. The research includes: the implications of more younger learners in tertiary education what factors contribute to achievement by NEETS (those…