
6 results within

Careers New Zealand

Website: Careers New Zealand

Email: is owned and maintained by the Tertiary Education Commission Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua. It supports New Zealanders to have the skills, knowledge and training opportunties for lifeling success.

Project Lumana'i

Project Lumana’i is a programme of research into the needs of Pasifika young people, families and teachers to inform the creation of career support resources that…

A Career Capable Auckland: realising our potential

Auckland’s economic success important for New Zealand New Zealand’s economic future hinges, to a large extent, on Auckland’s economic success. For Auckland to reach its full potential…

Project Kāmehameha

Project Kāmehameha is a programme of research to inform design and delivery of career resources for Māori. By 2030, approximately 30% of our students – and therefore…

Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways

The Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways project is, to date, the largest and only Pacific-specific longitudinal study designed to explore and address information gaps on the formative…

Career guidance by telephone

In 2007, Careers New Zealand piloted career guidance by telephone to identify if it should form part of its suite of integrated career services offered to young…