Value for Money Review of Problem Gambling Services

Value for Money Review of Problem Gambling Service…
10 Mar 2011

The scope of this review was to:

  • Examine the cost-effectiveness of existing services delivered by Ministry-funded problem gambling service providers
  • Review international evidence to compare the cost effectiveness of New Zealand-based services with international problem gambling services, and best practice
  • Assess whether the current service delivery structure of problem gambling Public is appropriately intervention and Health services structured to achieve maximum health gains
  • Provide an indication to Ministers of whether services are being delivered in the most efficient and effective way, both to meet the Government’s objectives and to generate the maximum possible benefit for the level of expenditure.


KPMG was commissioned to complete a Value for Money (VfM) review of problem gambling Ministry 18 6m Analysis services funded by the Ministry. In 2010 / 11 this funding was $18.6m. in this report focuses on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the use of the total funding, not on the size of the funding pie itself. It considers the value delivered from this spend. $18.6m is the current spend (2010 / 11) and provides an indication of the review scope.

The scope of this review was to:

  • Examine the cost-effectiveness of existing services delivered by Ministry-funded problem gambling service providers
  • Review international evidence to compare the cost effectiveness of New Zealand-based services with international problem gambling services, and best practice
  • Assess whether the current service delivery structure of problem gambling Public is appropriately intervention and Health services structured to achieve maximum health gains
  • Provide an indication to Ministers of whether services are being delivered in the most efficient and effective way, both to meet the Government’s objectives and to generate the maximum possible benefit for the level of expenditure.

Excluded from this review are the regulatory roles of the Deppartment of Internal Affairs (DIA) and the oversight roles of the Gambling Commission. Also excluded as mentioned above is discussion on the total level of problem gambling spend. The scope of this review was limited to the review and analysis of secondary sources of data. KPMG was not commissioned to obtain primary data.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018